A Review of God’s Blessings on This Wonderful World!
Konosuba: God’s Blessings on This Wonderful World! is a Japanese light novel written by Natsume Akatsuka? The series follows a young boy, Kazuma Satou, who is sent into a fantasy world by his father with a special assignment – to complete a mission and bring back a divine goddess known as Amatsume. The task of finding Amatsume is very difficult; he is said to be an immortal who possesses immense magical powers. Kazuma, with the help of his magical friends and magical equipment, attempts to meet this goddess and retrieve the answer to the question of how they will reunite with him and live their lives together.
For those who have not read Akatsuka’s previous works, one might ask what they are trying to achieve with God’s Blessings on This Wonderful World!. Well, to be honest, I was very impressed by how well-written the story is. Akatsuka is a renowned author, who has worked on different series such as The Legend of Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, and more. He brings out the same characteristics that he has always had in all his stories. For instance, he has an excellent storyline, superb character development, and incredible twists and turns.
One major aspect of this story is the fact that there is a plot device known as “The Curse” that makes Amatsume a curse. In other words, it was said that the goddess he had sought is actually a curse. The curse comes from his past experience of being in a war. His past experiences have left him with an incomplete memory that caused him to become unable to recall any important events from his past life.
Now let me tell you what actually happens in this story. Amatsume’s father sent him to meet a group of players in a place called the Akasaka Tower. He is tasked to help the group in retrieving the answers to a certain riddle that lies inside the tower. The riddle involves the god of the surrounding areas. They were to solve it by defeating the demon in front of the group. It is in fact a part of a plot to revive the god of the surrounding areas, but its true nature is still unknown to everyone. Once he solved the riddle, the demon vanished.
Upon reaching the top of the tower, Kazuma received a message from a mysterious figure, saying that he was to locate Amatsume. inside the Akasaka Tower and bring back the answer that is concealed within the tower’s core. Kazuma followed this order, but found that this “Curse” still had not gone away.
After the third part, God’s Blessings on This Wonderful World!, the readers get another different story about the story. Here, it becomes clear that the curse must not be taken lightly, because it may turn the lives of everyone involved into chaos.