What Causes Sleep Deprivation?
When a person refers to himself as blacked out, he can mean a number of things. He may have had a hard sleep, lost consciousness for an extended period of time, or he may simply say that he passed out.
The next possibility is that he may have remained awake, walking, talking, or driving around, but still not be able to recall what he had done. It could be possible that he passed out. Again, this is the more likely scenario.
When someone blacked out, his or her brain has been over stimulated in such a way that his memory has been affected. When it comes to sleep, there are two different types of over stimulation. First there is REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, and second, NREM (Nonrapid Eye Movement) sleep.
In REM sleep, or Rapid Eye Movement sleep, the brain activity is actually quite smooth. At this time, the brain is actually making a lot of brain waves, including alpha, beta, and theta. It is during this period of brain activity that the brain is in the most alert state. This is why people who are driving or talking normally are often blacked out. They have not had enough REM sleep to restore the brain activity back to normal.
During NREM sleep, however, there is less activity. This is because most of the brain activity in sleep is actually going on while the body sleeps. This is when most dreams occur.
As long as the person does not experience any memory loss or lapses, they will never know that he or she has blacked out. They will simply continue waking up. The only way to tell if someone has blacked out is by asking them questions about what happened when they went to sleep, like whether they dreamt about going to sleep or falling asleep.
In terms of what can cause memory loss, there are a few possibilities. One thing is that a person may lose track of time while they are asleep. Some individuals have a difficult time going back to sleep because they forget things, such as things that they have seen or heard, and things that they need to do the next day.
Another possibility of memory loss is that there is too much alcohol consumed, whether it be through alcohol or another substance. The effects of alcohol, when combined with certain medications such as sleep aids, may cause memory loss. Another possibility is that the individual may not eat properly.
Finally, the last possibility of memory loss is that the person simply does not care if he or she falls asleep or wakes up. While it would be nice to wake up and feel refreshed, there may not be a sense of urgency to do anything at all. They may not be aware that they have fallen asleep, or that they are even asleep.