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Alice’s Berry Farm: Rescue Team
Alice Birch’s “Alice” is a new website for children, run by and for kids. Alice is a young girl who lives with her Uncle Mickey and Auntydia in a small town called Pemberton. She likes to help around the house, cook, and meet the new people in town (some of them have magical powers). But when a blonde, evil-looking stranger appears from nowhere, Alice finds herself stuck with him, along with her friends.
“Alice” follows the lives of these three girls’ day and night. Members of the site range from kids (ages four to twelve) to young adults. The site offers adult chat rooms for those who are too young to be members of Alice. “Alice” is run solely by volunteers, so there isn’t much of a management team. However, they do provide helpful advice on a number of issues ranging from how to deal with other children (plus advice on being an adult) to suggestions about becoming a volunteer.
The “adult” chat room on Alice’s website is pretty active. There are a number of children, both young at heart, hanging around in this chat room. There are also some adults who hang around as well. A majority of the members are female, though there is a small population of men. The people who hang around in the chat room are quite friendly and helpful, making it easy for Alice to make new friends.
In addition to the “general” chatting room,” Alice “offers” a fantasy club. At the fantasy club, children can choose fantasy characters and make friends. The club is run through the internet just like the “general” chat room. There is no cost to join, but members must be over thirteen years of age. There are also some adult only memberships available.
The website and its many interactive features are designed in such a way that they appeal to children. The website makes it possible for children to make their own pictures, send each other pictures, and create pages for themselves. Children can also upload their own artwork or photographs and add them to the website. This is another way in which Alice’s website makes life fun for children.
The website also has a number of games and puzzles to keep children amused. For example, one of the games is called “Puzzle Quest”. This game asks children to find the different colored dots in a puzzle that goes around. It also has an audio track which children can play in order to make the game more fun and entertaining.